Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homecoming: Part 2

It's that time again where girls are either worrying about who her date is going be or what dress she's going to wear, at least in high school. I can't help with the first one but I defiantly help with the second one.
This section will be put in 2 parts The expensive side and cheap side. This is...
 Part 2
Semi-formal Dress Glitter Shutter Top Tucket Homecoming Dress
Sorry about the iffy image, but guys this is my dream homecoming dress. AHHHH! I love so much it has the glitter the elegance the gold the unique skirt detail. It's not that expensive compared to like Gucci but I consider it quite up there, like, I wouldn't by this for my sophomore year homecoming. I just love it, especially the straight neckline, and AAHHH this is just a dream.
Embellished Fit and Flare Dress
If you haven't noticed the looks I like go for, it usually has a fit and flare or some embellished or glittery detail. I don't go rhinestones or drapes, I go for elegance+modern. I really do like drapes and goddess like dresses but for me and this time of year these kind of dresses work for me. Now nordstorm is the awesome equivalent to debs. While a lot of girls go to debs, a lot other girls go to nordstorm. But unlike debs, NORDSTORM is the the bomb, THE STROM. Get it? So this dress is amazing, it looks great and it makes us look great, with beautiful Safire blue tone, that makes go ahhhhh. This dress is beautiful but expensive.

Coast Avalina Bandeau Dress with Full Skirt
Now ASOS is my most favorite online Window shopping site and I love about everything that it has in stock and this dress doesn't disappoint. The only changes I wished were made to this dress is if the whole top layer skirt was a not so opaque chiffon then having a strip near the bottone of the skirt, sheer. Also the neck line a little higher. Other then that I love this dress. It's a little out of what I usually like but this dress just speaks cute. If this were in different colors like salmon, yellow, and sea foam green I'd love it even more and by everyone of them. This is the kind of dress people like Deb try to copy and make it look terrible. This is just amazing chic, simple dress that no one else would wear and is not on the extremely higher end of expensive.

So I hoped you enjoyed my Homecoming Blogs and leave in the comments on your favorite one, either theses ones above or your own you're going to wear.
Also tell me suggestions on what to write and your blog site in the comments so I can check out your blog, maybe you might do a homecoming special like mine. 
xoxo -_- xoxo

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